The final result of the NGMS project was my concept of Ratios along with the Situated Learning theory by Jean Lave who says, "Knowledge needs to be presented in authentic contexts - settings and situations that would normally involve that knowledge. Social interaction and collaboration are essential components - learners become involved in a 'community of practice' acquired. As the beginner or novice moves from the periphery of a community to its center, he or she becomes more active and engaged within the culture and eventually assumes the role of an expert."
The concept of ratios goes along with the ratio of light being diffused throughout the space and the ratio of the human body. In order to create an active learning environment where everyone is engaged with the learning process, I used the concept of the human scale ratio with standing, sitting, and sitting on the floor and how that could be turned into a space. The projector screen is the area of the room that is lit up the least and the opposite side of the room from the projector is the most lit up of the room to hopefully better the glare issue against the screen.